Wednesday, April 06, 2005







Dear Hong Kong,

  Hong Kong is really a land of many wonders, a place of endless surprises at the most unexpected moment.(陶公子說自己孤陋寡聞,從未聽聞有這種寫法,完全是港式英語)  I am talking about the leave of former, yes, "former" by now, Chief Executive Mr CH Tung, and the elevation of Mr Donald Tsang, our new leader at the Executive Branch.

  These fast-break changes came at the most unexpected moment when Mr Tung seemed to be riding over the tough tides, heading for a soft sailing after the economy has been obviously bottoming out.

  Probably, the Central Government was impressed by the results of the Legislative Council elections last year, which showed that Hong Kong people as a whole are rational and considerate. So, there is no much need in erecting unsurmountable barriers between different political camps with different political history.

  Time and again, the Central leadership has been calling on all forces in Hong Kong to forget and forgive past differences, and build a better Hong Kong.

  I sincerely hope that our friends at the Democratic Camp will heed the earnest appeal of the Central Government, tear down the barriers and come forward to co-operate with the Central Government and the new SAR administration.

 Dear Hong Kong, let us kick off a virtuous cycle. All are welcome! Hong Kong belongs to us all, we are all in the same family, we are all in the same boat.(直譯:我們同坐一條船,蔡女士真厲害,古今中外能自造語句者,實無幾人也。或許遲些時候她還準備仿傚武則天造字啊!〕 We should not separate us apart from each other.

  Donald has been generally ruled out for the top job by many well-informed and well-connected quarters. Certainly, he was always a contender, but was viewed mostly as an also-run included for the sake of comprehensiveness of the list. By virtue of the incumbency position, his only real chance was in case of dire emergency. Surely Hong Kong was in no emergency. In fact, we are returning to normalcy in all fronts, and as a whole.〔老外看了也真摸不著頭腦囉~〕

  On the eve of Hong Kong returning to China on 30 June 1997, Donald was knighted by Prince Charles while Mrs. Anson Chan remains a common. It appeared to the general public that Mrs Anson Chan was waiting for her turn to the top while donald realistically counted himself out.

  Paradoxes are the order of the day. Exactly because he is ruled out by the public, even by himself that he is picked. Those who were aiming at it with all their minds and hearts, exactly because of their tenacious efforts, were dropped.

After the mass demonstrations in July 1 in 2003 and 2004, Beijing appeared to have completed a comprehensive plan for Hong Kong --accelerating integration with China in all material and spiritual fronts.

 Donald Tsang knows the Hong Kong Establishment and government machinery inside out. That is a tremendous help, could even be an indispensable part, to China's new plan for Hong Kong.

  In view of this new think,〔陶公子又質疑,他曉得new thoughts, new things,但new think就未曾聽說過了,於是他打趣說或許是打錯字也不定,否則真會懷疑蔡女士的英語水平。〕 the world has been turned upside down. China forgive and forget. All things seem to be re-defined, re-configurated and re-orientated in the new context of total integration between Hong Kong and the Mainland.

 This could be a political landscape shift, of the scale and magnitude of a continental shift, reminiscent of China's Open and Reform Policy in the late 70's.

 Previously impossibilities become new possibilities, even necessities; normalcy and abnormalcy were reversed; assets liabilities, and liabilities assets.

 In time of landscape shift, Paradoxes reign supreme.

 China appears to be departing from China's entrenched position based on ideology of nationalism.Now Effectuality of Governance and economic recovery seem to take precedence over ideology of nationalism and become the core value overriding other concerns.

 Loyalty and deference are secondary to competence and performance. After all, Hong Kong is all under control. Loyalty and deference are non-issues, the real issues are competence and performance.

 A Hong Kong after 155 years of British rule has become a full-fledged quasi-modern society with world-class cosmopolitan attributes. China may now view Hong Kong as a turn-key project and Donald Tsang and experienced operator and repairer.

 Over the decades, China's economic reforms and modernization were guided by a Deng saying- "Be it white cat or black cat, a cat that catches mice is a good cat".

 Now, China may be inadvertently taking a page from Deng's pragmatism --"Be it British or Chinese, as far as it works."

 Since the new leadership of Hu Jiangtao and Wan Jiaobao took over, China's concept and practice of governance seem to be taking up a CEO Model which will better serve China in shifting to international and internal political contexts as she is playing a greater role in the modern world.

 If China's rethink on Hong Kong was completed one year later, Arthur Li even York Chow might have a better chance of replacing CH Tung, given Arthur's and York's need for time to shape up their competence and performance in leadership. If CH Tung stepped down one year earlier, Henry Tang might get the top job.





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